Dive into our products
Delicious, nourishing, affordable, sustainable and convenient.
Our products are just that. Our ready-to-eat seafood offers the perfect solution for both households and the foodservice industry. For households, our convenient and delicious ready-to-eat fish provides a hassle-free dining option & for the foodservice industry our ready-to-heat fish offers unparalleled versatility and cost efficiency.
from farm to fork!

Norwegian Salmon
(Salmo Salar)
We import Atlantic Salmon from certified farms which are all adhering to the most rigorous regulations related to sustainability and traceability. We process more than 5 mil. kg of salmon each year in our two facilities in Greece. We process as following:
- Filleting
- Partition in portions
- Gutting & scaling
- Skinning
- Trimming (trim A to trim E)
- Baking
- Smoking
- Marinating
- Seasoning & Tempura
- Breading
European Sea Bass (Branzino)
(Dicentrarchus Labrax)
The European sea bass, a beloved staple of Mediterranean cuisine, boasts a distinctive pink hue when fresh and transforms into a luscious opaque white when cooked. It thrives in the clear, blue, Greek waters, in conditions that guarantee its lustrous looks and distinctive flavor, as well as its smooth flesh, rich in Omega-3 fats which are responsible for its high nutritional value, combined with the other nutrients it contains. Delightfully sweet and delicate, the sea bass offers finely textured, flaky flesh that is both lean and subtly flavored.
Our Branzino (Sea Bass):
The Pine Bone In (PBI): Partially deboned fillet
The V cut (PBO): Pine bones and skin are cut out in the shape of a “V” leaving you with a refined fillet.
The F cut (PBO): Pine bones are cut out in the shape of a “V” leaving the skin on. This leaves you with a high end fillet.
Precooked Breaded and oven baked
Precooked Grill Marked
Marinated in Cooking Bag

European Sea Bream
(Sparus Aurata)
Flatter and taller than the sea bass, with a single, un-notched dorsal fin and an oblong body, the sea bream is one of the most popular fish in the Mediterranean diet. It is also one of the least susceptible types of fish to variations in water temperature and salinity—an ideal candidate for aquaculture. With its impressive looks and flavor, Sea Bream is always a delicious, healthy choice. Widely considered by chefs to be the tastiest of all fish, Mediterranean sea bream has a wonderfully clean taste and satisfyingly meaty texture. Sea bream thrives in the clear, blue, Greek waters and is a top-quality fish with velvety texture, great-tasting and very nutritious, with an abundance of Omega-3 fatty acids.
Our Sea Bream:
The Pine Bone In (PBI): Partially deboned fillet
The V cut (PBO): Pine bones and skin are cut out in the shape of a “V” leaving you with a refined fillet.
The F cut (PBO): Pine bones are cut out in the shape of a “V” leaving the skin on. This leaves you with a high end fillet.
Precooked Breaded and oven baked
Precooked Grill Marked
Marinated in Cooking Bag